Edtech & Other Projects

Halifax Open Restaurant Map during COVID-19

COVID 19 virus has affected communities around the world. To help many businesses in Halifax Regional Municipality to stay open, Halifax Retales set up a page to help Haligonians and Nova Scotians get access to restaurants through take-outs and deliveries options. This is a map made with data from the website using Google Forms, Google Sheets and Google's My Maps function.

Google Certified Educators Map of South Korea

For Google Educator Group South Korea, a nonprofit group of educators dedicated in utilizing G Suite for Education, a simple map using Google Forms, Google Sheets and Google Map was made. Educators who has obtained Google Certified Educator or Trainer certification can insert their information on the Google Forms template and it will populate Google Sheets, which will be then added as a layer into Google Map's My Maps. Four layers were made and each layer was inserted with separate google sheets spreadsheet which was connected to the Google Forms templates.

Google for Education

As a Google Certified Trainer, over the years I was able to conduct seminars, webinars and produce tutorial videos on using Google tools such as Google Docs, Slides, Sheets and Google Earth for educational purposes. This pages highlights some of the presentations and webinars conducted in English and Korean.

Google Certified Educator Training Videos and other webinars (Korean)


  • Co-authored a educational technology book on utilizing Google Earth and Google Maps in the classroom.
  • Contents include using Google Earth to play games, places and explore locations.
  • Contents include how to make maps using Google My Maps and find out geographical coordinates.