Bicycle Shelters, Routes and Priority Areas in NYC

For this map, a map of bicycle facilities in New York City, U.S.A. were mapped using open data from NYC Open Data Portal. The purpose of the web map is to show the various bicycle facilities, zone and routes in NYC, so people can safely ride their bicycles. The data was downloaded as a shapefile then it was converted to a GeoJSON file using QGIS. Using Mapbox Studio, each layer were symbolized within Mapbox Studio and custom markers were added to show the bicycle shelters. Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, popups were created to indicate the various shelters on the map. Also, Bicycle Priority Areas were mapped to show neighborhoods with comparatively high number of cyclist KSI (Killed or Seriously Injured) and few dedicated bicycle facilities. The different neighborhoods of Queens and Brooklyn were coloured coded to show the different boroughs. The bicycle routes were also shown in the map using popups to show different locations of bicycle routes in NYC. Two Plugins were incorporated into the map; one for geocoding and the other for finding map directions depending on different transportation forms.